Problem Gambling

There is increasing evidence of the relationship between harmful gambling and suicide, including in younger people. Although reasons for suicide can be complex, we do know that gambling can be a risk factor. Action therefore needs to be taken to address the harms of gambling, and reach people at risk.

Through the NHS Long Term Plan, the NHS is expanding treatment provision and it continues to deliver on its commitment to open 15 specialist gambling treatment clinics.

Alcohol and Drug Misuse

Consistent links have been evidenced between alcohol and drug use and suicide.

Addressing alcohol and drug use may be especially important for supporting particular groups. Among people in contact with mental health services in England who died by suicide between 2010 and 2020, there were high proportions of both alcohol misuse (45%) and drug misuse (35%).

What you can do to support

It is essential that we tackle the link between suicide and alcohol or drug use, and especially alcohol and drug misuse and dependency. Ensuring that people misusing or dependent on drugs and alcohol are able to access the right support.

This includes support both for substance misuse but also for any mental health or self-harm concerns, with a ‘no-wrong-door’ policy that makes every contact with services count. Services should consider the needs of particular groups and engagement with people with personal experience should inform the development of appropriate services.

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